
European Sea Bass
Dicentrarchus labrax
- Sold whole and totally fresh
- 2 year life-cycle in minimum
- Net to door in less than 12 hours
- Chill-box packaging
The European sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax) is a primarily ocean-going fish native to the waters off Mediterranean, found in near-shore areas including estuaries, lagoons and rivers. Their colour is silvery grey to bluish on the back, silvery on the sides and white on the belly. They have an elongated body and can grow up to one metre long and weigh up to 15 kilogrammes. It is a very popular fish, highly prized by restaurants for its high quality flaky meat and its delicate sweet flavour. It is ideal for a healthy diet since it is low in calories and fat content and calories and rich in protein and other healthy nutrients.
- Colour: white
- Texture: Semi-fatty with firm yet delicate flesh
- Taste profile: Delicate and sweetly flavoured with tough and strongly flavoured skin
- Cooking possibilities: Steamed, grilled, poached, en papillote, stuffed, ceviche
Nutritional properties
21.6 g protein
4.2 g fat
0.5 g of carbohydrates
122 Kcal
Recommended for low-calorie diet